Perhaps we often prefer to encourage children not to participate in physical education classes, believing that they are a waste of time, but sport has remarkable benefits to children's health and development. The ancient Greeks spent half of their education exercising. In the 1800s, one third of the time spent in school was dedicated to physical exercise. Kennedy really believed that physical exercise produces academic excellence and builds integrity. It has not been unthinkable since antiquity in the fact that physical health leads to a healthy mind, body and spirit. Physical education is imperative for success in life A consequence of the exemption from sports classes in American schools has led to lower levels of education and productivity since the 1970s.
In addition, despite the fact that more money is spent on health care than any other country on earth, the US has the highest rate of mental illness, obesity and chronic illness, which is growing dramatically with every passing decade. Research by the Harvard Medical School shows that as soon as sports education is reinstated in schools, there is a 80% fall in discipline problems in one semester. This in turn means that teachers can concentrate on teaching rather than on police behavior, and by improving participation and concentration, children learn more and get a better score in tests. Indeed, studies have repeatedly demonstrated that performance in mathematics and science correlates with physical fitness. Eight years ago, ABC News reported a special program that was implemented at Naperville Central High School, Chicago, where students could participate in a dynamic gymnastics class at the start of the day and had access to exercise bikes and balls throughout the day in the halls .
The results were amazing! . Research has also shown that after 30 minutes on the treadmill, students have solved problems up to 10% more efficiently. The film also highlights that the lack of sports education has had a dramatic impact on crime rates. Despite the fact that they have only 4% of the global population, US prisons are home to 25% of the total population of prisoners. Physical motion strengthens the connections of the brain You probably know how to keep the young and agile brain is to train.
One of the most effective ways to train the brain is to perform complex physical movements and coordination exercises. The more complex and difficult the movement, the greater are the benefits of the brain, forcing to create new neural connections. How to motivate children to do sports • First of all, it is imperative to limit the time the child spends in front of the TV or playing computer games and to replace some of these sedentary activities with exercise. Children need at least 30 to 60 minutes of daily exercise. • Encourage your child to participate in physical activities after school and weekend.
• Consider less conventional exercises, as children also need variety in their lives. Combat sports, jumping exercises, agility training, BOSU ball training, body weight exercises are just a few examples. .
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